The name of the organization shall be NORTH PALOUSE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.
The objectives of this organization are:
- To form an organization of the businesses, organizations, and individuals of Southeast Spokane County that will study and promote all interests appropriate to them.
- To encourage active participation in all things that has to do with business and community betterment.
- Any person over the age of 18 years, of good moral character and good standing, residing in the area and interested in Chamber.
- Membership may be acquired by application or by an invitation of a member in good standing and by paying the annual dues.
- Any member may be expelled for non-payment of dues, violation of the By-laws, or by conduct rendering further membership as undesirable to the organization.
- A member may be expelled only after due notice is given at a regular meeting, no vote thereon to be taken until the next regular meeting. A two-thirds majority of those voting members present is required to expel a member.
- There will be two types of memberships: business/organization and individual.
The annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and voted on by the present paidup membership. Annual dues shall be payable in January each year and shall cover the calendar year.
- The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Directors. These eight people shall constitute the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
- These officers, excepting the Board of Directors, shall be elected annually and shall take office on the regular January meeting. The Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term.
- The Directors shall be elected for two years, with two directorships elected in even years and two directorships elected in odd years. In any year when a new president is elected, the outgoing president will fill one of the directorship positions. Should a vacancy occur during the mid-term of a director, the President and remaining board members will appoint a new director to fill the vacancy.
- A nominating committee of three (3) persons will submit the names of candidates for the various offices. An annual election will be held at the December meeting of the organization. Additional nominations shall be taken from the floor. Members receiving a simple majority vote cast shall be declared elected.
- Regular meetings of the organization shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month. Summer month meetings will be held or canceled upon agreement of the membership. July and August will be the only months under this consideration.
- Special or Board of Directors meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors.
(a) At regular meetings, eight (8) members present shall constitute a quorum, one of whom must be a Director.
(b) At special meetings and Board of Directors meetings, three members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
- It shall be the duty of an officer to preside at all meetings of the organization, including meetings of the Board of Directors.
- In the absence of an officer, then any one of the directors shall preside at the meeting.
- Should a vacancy occur in any office other than the President, the President and remaining directors will appoint a member to fill the unexpired term.
- It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the general organization records, including minutes of regular and special meeting of the membership and Board of Directors. It will also be the duty of this office to keep committee appointments and list of officers and to conduct correspondence of the organization under the direction of the President or Board of Directors.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of all dues and monies paid to the chamber and receipting and documenting revenues and expenses. It will also be the duty of this officer to keep membership records.
- Officers and Board members will be responsible for chairing committees and recruiting other members of chamber to serve on their committee.
- All money shall be deposited in the Inland Northwest Bank, and a monthly financial report shall be given at each regular meeting.
- Money shall be disbursed only at the direction of the Board of Directors and by the approval of the membership. A $50.00 contingency fund may be used by the Treasurer to take care of expenses that may occur before regular approval can be made by the membership.
- This organization will not create any indebtedness beyond the income of the organization, nor disburse any funds for purposes non-essential to the objective of the Chamber.
- The financial books of the Chamber shall be audited at the end of December each year. Final audit approval shall be presented to the membership by the regular January meeting of each New Year.
The absence of an officer or a board member for three consecutive meeting may be deemed a sign of resignation and the office declared vacant and the vacancy filled by the Board of Directors.
No member shall receive any salary or compensation from this organization, except upon the approval of two-thirds of the paid-up membership.
These by-laws may be amended by any regular meeting of the Chamber, provided such amendments shall be circulated or presented in writing at the previous meeting of the Chamber. A minimum of 5 members would be required to have a majority vote.
These Articles of the Constitution and By-laws are approved as of the 13th day of December, 2001.
These Articles of the Constitution and By-laws are amended as of the 19th day of May, 2016.